No Measure of Time Will Be Long Enough, But Lets Start With Forever...



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Breaking Dawn is just around the corner :)

How many of you cant wait for Breaking Dawn P1? Who is going to attend the midnight showing? Are you anxious to see the birth scene, wedding, honeymoon, etc.? These are just a plethera of questions we've been asking ourselves for almost a year and a half now...and guess what!? Although the wait isnt over, its certainly almost here! The Fall season is here on Friday and you know what that means?! Fall=Breaking Dawn P1 madness I am sure! While we wait from September to November, there are numberous things coming out associated with Breaking Dawn, such as the new huge DISPLAY (shown below) that will be in theatres promoting the movie everywhere starting in October!
And if that isnt enough, fans cant get enough of making edits counting down the days and weeks as well!. Two released trailers have come out along with interviews with the cast and now even crew members on Breaking Dawn and even the special effects..which I hear are supposed to be phenomenal and far outweigh any of the Twilight Saga movies thus far! Its supposed to go above and beyond what they thought was amazing CGI for New Moon when the wolves were first introduced...can you imagine!?
The crew members who worked on the special effects also said in an interview that over 1,000 special effects were used for Breaking Dawn P1 and that Bella's scene giving birth is one they are highly looking forward to. With the make-up and special effects for the scenes during her pregnancy and birth, there will be a great realism that Bella Cullen is now dying, and she looks terrible! (based on the 2nd trailer we saw. For more on the interview with the special effects crew go to:

If that isnt enough to get your vampirish cheeks grinning from 'fang' to 'fang', hear this!:
The Breaking Dawn P1 Soundtrack is slowly being revealed (I know its driving me insane too!) and this morning it was announced on Twitter that Bruno Mars will be producing a song to go on the Soundtrack. It was announced via 933FLZ Radio, that they should have the song out and on the station by the end of this month! Fans are 50/50 on the news, some saying they dont approve, and the other half saying they cant wait! My favorite announced is still Sister Rosetta-Noisettes (Capture the Spirit).

Anyway you look at it, Breaking Dawn P1 is getting closer and closer, whether its a poster here and there, a trailer or two, calendars, bookmarks, and even diehard fans keeping the wait as fun and as exciting as it can be. Hang in there Pure Twilight/Twilight Fans! The wait will soon be over! And remember:

Forever, is only the beginning!

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